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The Goose, the Swan and the Fires of Reformation

by Lloyd Phillips

October 31, 2017 About 600 years ago a Bohemian priest and theologian, Jon Huss, was burned at the stake as a heretic. He had gotten into trouble with the Roman Catholic Church for bringing up a number of issues which he felt needed to be corrected. He denounced the failings of the clergy, not unlike […]

Apostles and Prophets Teaming Together

by Lloyd Phillips

Apostles and Prophets Teaming Together Apostles and prophets are the foundational ministries of the church (Eph 2:20). While the foundation of the universal church was laid by Jesus, and established by his twelve apostles of the Lamb, each generation of the church age must have the foundation re-laid and confirmed in order to remain on […]

Perfecting the Prophetic Ministry

by Lloyd Phillips

Perfecting the Prophetic Ministry All Christians should strive for mastery in every endeavor and especially in their divine gifts and callings. The apostle Paul expressed to us in Eph 4 that the ascension ministries were given by the Lord to help perfect & equip the believers in their Godly service. While the spirit given to […]