December 21, 2016
Yesterday I awoke with the words “is there not a cause?” in my spiritual ear. These are the words that young David spoke to his brother who was questioning his interest in the threat to the army of God from Goliath. As I contemplated what this might mean I realized these were the words he spoke at a time when there was an enemy who was loud, boisterous, threatening, refusing to accept reality or true authority. It was as intimidating is a bully – forbidding and clamorous with dire predictions and threats. And it is a real threat to those who compare this enemy to themselves. At the same time that Goliath was making the challenge – king Saul and his leaders were relaxing under the pomegranate tree. In the bible the pomegranate tree represents a place of comfort and relaxation sometimes even natural excess. At that time those who had the anointing and authority to take out the threat were in the place of comfort taking care of their own selves instead of doing their sworn duty on behalf of the people.

I can see this symbolizing our day. Where there are those who are loud and threatening, boisterous and belligerent, swearing and cursing that they will not comply with the will of the Lord. And those who have the delegated authority to challenge this threat are primarily interested with their own ease and comfort. However, God is looking for those who recognize there is a just cause! He is looking for the dread champions who will rise up not comparing the challenges to themselves and their own inadequacies, but those who will recognize the challenges are nothing compared to their God’s abilities in them. They are willing to offer their own abilities, no matter how small they may seem, or inadequate they may appear. These are willing to bring what they have and allow the Lord to anoint them – and then watch the challenges fall to the ground and the victory be brought in the name of the Lord. He is looking for someone like you!

But the Lord is with me as a dread champion [one to be greatly feared]; Therefore my persecutors will stumble and not overcome [me]. They will be completely shamed, for they have not acted wisely and have failed [in their schemes]; Their eternal dishonor will never be forgotten. (Jer 20:11 AMP)